Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Freebie!

I've been a busy little bee these last couple of weeks. My Graduation Party Collection has been very popular and led to many late nights!

But I love what I do even if I can only do it when the rest of the world is sleeping :)

As a THANK YOU to my wonderful customers and follows/fans. I created a set of Mini Chocolate bar wraps for you...and they are FREE! Just click below and download...instructions are included. 


Monday, May 7, 2012

Around The Shop: New Car Smell!

I love being busy with fun orders from my awesome customers, it makes me so happy to make peoples party visions come to light. I would gladly stay up till 12 am working (up at 5am bed at 12 or 12:30am has been my routine this last couple of weeks) because I truly love it! At the same time lots of things fall by the wayside. So it was nice this weekend to have a little downtime...I finally cleaned out my car (WAY overdue) and I was able to work on some new items and clean up the shop a bit.

So heres whats cookin around With Envy Parties this week:

1) Its nearing the end of the school year, time to start thinking about gifts for your kiddo's teachers. I created some fun treat bag toppers to go with your treats for that special teacher.

Teacher's Appreciation Gifts Available HERE

2) I finally added some new patterns and updated the available colors (I am still happy to customize to your party decor). I have done several custom color schemes so I added some of those colors to the palette.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I Feel Like A Woman!

I have a list I keep...its kind of a weird list but I thought I might let you guys into a little of my weirdness :)

My list is things I think will help me be a better woman. No not better woman as in a better person. No I mean a better woman as opposed to grubby slob.

I see lots of woman during my day that look so put together. They have matching, grown up outfits with nicely done hair. Everything coordinates without looking forced. I strive to be one of those women one day. I'm not a high maintenance kind of girl but I wouldn't consider myself a slob either. But really most days I'm lucky to have clothes that aren't wrinkled...whether they match is really secondary :) I love comfy clothes and most weekends I have on jeans, yoga pants, t-shirt or a sweatshirt. But now that I have a job where I have to wear business casual I really need to pull it together. Some things on my list that I think will help and that I'm slowly working on...

Source: via Tyler on Pinterest

1) Wearing more jewelry...I generally wear silver hoops and my wedding ring and thats about it. I don't really own a lot of jewelry. I always feel like things look great on people but when I put them on myself it just seems like too much to me...maybe because I don't wear jewelry it will just feel that way until I get use to it.

2)Doing my hair every day. My general hairstyle is pulled back with a hair clip. I might wear my hair down once maybe twice a week. Time in the morning is lacking and I hate doing my hair...really not a good combo. This results in my current hairstyle. I really need to cut my hair but thats been on the list for several months and it hasn't happened.

3)Skirts! I use to wear skirts but I haven't wore one in like 3 years.

4)Painting my nails regularly...having painted nails always makes me feel girly :)

5)Pajama sets...I love pajamas but I don't really wear them. I normally sleep in pj pants and an old t-shirt. The only time I actually buy pjs for myself is before Christmas.

I hope to be well on my way to womanhood by summers end :) Thanks for taking a trip into my weird head...hope it doesn't creep you out too much!!